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Shareware FastFaxer

This software requires a fax connected to your computer!
[v 2024.0.0]

Software Overview

« Mass fax software for your information or advertising campaigns. »
License Type: SHAREWARE (Try for free for 30 days)
Technology: Java (Oracle), XML
The FastFaxer software, developed by EuropeSoftwares, is a utility for sending faxes in bulk.
The software is part of a software suite consisting of FastEmailer, FastFaxer and FastSmser.
It is a utility for sending mass faxes for your news or advertising campaigns. It is compatible with most modems and fax equipment.
The user must have fax equipment connected to the computer. The software is compatible with most modems and fax hardware.
How it works: All the user has to do is import fax numbers, select contacts, choose a custom message, and finally send.
By default, the software is provided in 15 international languages (English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Arabic, Greek, Russian, Swedish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean). But, other languages can be added manually
There are no hidden costs: new versions and new software upgrades are included. In order to keep our prices as low as possible, only support requiring expensive labor can be paid according to demand.
EuropeSoftwares therefore invites you to make maximum use of the free tools available for unlimited use.
EuropeSoftwares always tries as much as possible to simplify the design of its products so that its mastery is quick and easy to use by as many of us as possible.


Shareware FastEmailer
Shareware FastSmser


Database editable in XML text format
Importing data from a directory
Customizable mail
Ideal complement to the software (SHAREWARE FastEmailer/FastSmser)
15 international languages
New software versions and updates included

 EuropeSoftwares, THE PLUSES!

 Les plus EuropeSoftwares ! The license is valid for all users of the same computer! (v 2014.5.0)

 Les plus EuropeSoftwares ! The software is available for unlimited download!

 Les plus EuropeSoftwares ! Any license purchased is acquired for life!

 Les plus EuropeSoftwares ! Software evolutions are included!


Purchase of license(s)

Commercial  - Promotion code   

Test your equipment before buying!

Unit price T.T.C (€) Total price T.T.C (€) Purchase
(⚠)Paypal Help Process
01 license

Lifetime license
+ e-Support (1 month)
119.99 119.99

1x 3x 4x 10x
+ e-Support (1 month)
Payment by cheque is not allowed!

⚠ Authorization
02 Licenses
(*** - 3 € ***)

Lifetime license
+ e-Support (1 month)
118.49 236.98

1x 3x 4x 10x
+ e-Support (1 month)
Payment by cheque is not allowed!

⚠ Authorization
05 Licenses
(*** + 01 Free ***)

Lifetime license
+ e-Support (1 month)
99.99 599.95

1x 3x 4x 10x
+ e-Support (1 month)
Payment by cheque is not allowed!

⚠ Authorization
10 Licenses
(*** + 03 Free ***)

Lifetime license
+ e-Support (1 month)
92.30 1199.90

1x 3x 4x 10x
+ e-Support (1 month)
Payment by cheque is not allowed!

⚠ Authorization
25 Licenses
(*** + 09 Free ***)

Lifetime license
+ e-Support (1 month)
88.23 2999.75

1x 3x 4x 10x
+ e-Support (1 month)
Payment by cheque is not allowed!

⚠ Authorization
You will be contacted again in 12 months for the renewal of the license! (ENTREPRISE)
High-volume licensing
License with a 12-month commitment
+ Unlimited e-Support included 12 months
1 199.90 - 14 398.80

(25 - MAX=1000)
Email T'Chat Telephone e-Commerce
Free quote
Number of licenses:
25 < < 1000
Strictly forbidden for resale! Failure to comply with this rule will result in the cancellation of the license without any refund! (ENTREPRISE)


Test your equipment before buying!

Unit price T.T.C (€) Total price T.T.C (€) Purchase
(⚠)Paypal Help Process
01 license
Pack Two FEFX

Lifetime license
+ e-Support (1 month)
203.99 203.99

1x 3x 4x 10x
+ e-Support (1 month)
Payment by cheque is not allowed!

⚠ Authorization
02 Licenses
(*** - 3 € ***)
Pack Two FEFX

Lifetime license
+ e-Support (1 month)
202.49 404.98

1x 3x 4x 10x
+ e-Support (1 month)
Payment by cheque is not allowed!

⚠ Authorization
05 Licenses
(*** + 01 Free ***)
Pack Two FEFX

Lifetime license
+ e-Support (1 month)
169.99 1019.95

1x 3x 4x 10x
+ e-Support (1 month)
Payment by cheque is not allowed!

⚠ Authorization
10 Licenses
(*** + 03 Free ***)
Pack Two FEFX

Lifetime license
+ e-Support (1 month)
156.92 2039.90

1x 3x 4x 10x
+ e-Support (1 month)
Payment by cheque is not allowed!

⚠ Authorization
25 Licenses
(*** + 09 Free ***)
Pack Two FEFX

Lifetime license
+ e-Support (1 month)
149.99 5099.75

1x 3x 4x 10x
+ e-Support (1 month)
Payment by cheque is not allowed!

⚠ Authorization
You will be contacted again in 12 months for the renewal of the license! (ENTREPRISE)
High-volume licensing
License with a 12-month commitment
+ Unlimited e-Support included 12 months
2 039.90 - 24 478.80

(25 - MAX=1000)
Email T'Chat Telephone e-Commerce
Free quote
Number of licenses:
25 < < 1000
0.00 0.00
Number of licenses:
25 < < 1000
0.00 0.00
0 0.00
Strictly forbidden for resale! Failure to comply with this rule will result in the cancellation of the license without any refund! (ENTREPRISE)


Test your equipment before buying!

Unit price T.T.C (€) Total price T.T.C (€) Purchase
(⚠)Paypal Help Process
01 license
Pack Two FXFS

Lifetime license
+ e-Support (1 month)
203.99 203.99

1x 3x 4x 10x
+ e-Support (1 month)
Payment by cheque is not allowed!

⚠ Authorization
02 Licenses
(*** - 3 € ***)
Pack Two FXFS

Lifetime license
+ e-Support (1 month)
202.49 404.98

1x 3x 4x 10x
+ e-Support (1 month)
Payment by cheque is not allowed!

⚠ Authorization
05 Licenses
(*** + 01 Free ***)
Pack Two FXFS

Lifetime license
+ e-Support (1 month)
169.99 1019.95

1x 3x 4x 10x
+ e-Support (1 month)
Payment by cheque is not allowed!

⚠ Authorization
10 Licenses
(*** + 03 Free ***)
Pack Two FXFS

Lifetime license
+ e-Support (1 month)
156.92 2039.90

1x 3x 4x 10x
+ e-Support (1 month)
Payment by cheque is not allowed!

⚠ Authorization
25 Licenses
(*** + 09 Free ***)
Pack Two FXFS

Lifetime license
+ e-Support (1 month)
149.99 5099.75

1x 3x 4x 10x
+ e-Support (1 month)
Payment by cheque is not allowed!

⚠ Authorization
You will be contacted again in 12 months for the renewal of the license! (ENTREPRISE)
High-volume licensing
License with a 12-month commitment
+ Unlimited e-Support included 12 months
2 039.90 - 24 478.80

(25 - MAX=1000)
Email T'Chat Telephone e-Commerce
Free quote
Number of licenses:
25 < < 1000
0.00 0.00
Number of licenses:
25 < < 1000
0.00 0.00
0 0.00
Strictly forbidden for resale! Failure to comply with this rule will result in the cancellation of the license without any refund! (ENTREPRISE)


Test your equipment before buying!

Unit price T.T.C (€) Total price T.T.C (€) Purchase
(⚠)Paypal Help Process
01 license
Pack Three

Lifetime license
+ e-Support (1 month)
277.99 277.99

1x 3x 4x 10x
+ e-Support (1 month)
Payment by cheque is not allowed!

⚠ Authorization
02 Licenses
(*** - 3 € ***)
Pack Three

Lifetime license
+ e-Support (1 month)
276.49 552.98

1x 3x 4x 10x
+ e-Support (1 month)
Payment by cheque is not allowed!

⚠ Authorization
05 Licenses
(*** + 01 Free ***)
Pack Three

Lifetime license
+ e-Support (1 month)
231.66 1389.95

1x 3x 4x 10x
+ e-Support (1 month)
Payment by cheque is not allowed!

⚠ Authorization
10 Licenses
(*** + 03 Free ***)
Pack Three

Lifetime license
+ e-Support (1 month)
213.84 2779.90

1x 3x 4x 10x
+ e-Support (1 month)
Payment by cheque is not allowed!

⚠ Authorization
25 Licenses
(*** + 09 Free ***)
Pack Three

Lifetime license
+ e-Support (1 month)
204.40 6949.75

1x 3x 4x 10x
+ e-Support (1 month)
Payment by cheque is not allowed!

⚠ Authorization
You will be contacted again in 12 months for the renewal of the license! (ENTREPRISE)
High-volume licensing
License with a 12-month commitment
+ Unlimited e-Support included 12 months
2 779.90 - 33 358.80

(25 - MAX=1000)
Email T'Chat Telephone e-Commerce
Free quote
Number of licenses:
25 < < 1000
0.00 0.00
Number of licenses:
25 < < 1000
0.00 0.00
Number of licenses:
25 < < 1000
0.00 0.00
0 0.00
Strictly forbidden for resale! Failure to comply with this rule will result in the cancellation of the license without any refund! (ENTREPRISE)

Telephone support with an expert

Unit price T.T.C (€) Total price T.T.C (€) Purchase
(⚠)Paypal Help Process
30 minutes of phone support with a technical expert (T2) - FastFaxer
Français Deutsch EnglishPortuguêsEspañolItaliano
Assistance Web Booking calendar
69.99 69.99

1x 3x 4x 10x
Payment by cheque is not allowed!

⚠ Authorization

Any information can be requested from the following e-mail address

Email T'Chat Telephone e-Support Paid according to demand!

Warning: EuropeSoftwares is the only company authorized to sell its products and services. Multiple and large volume licenses are intended for the same company or a single person and not for individual resale! This software is governed by copyright, their resale authorization (profits) must be the work of a specific partnership contract! The licenses are established in the name of the buyer who is responsible for the latter. Failure to comply with the conditions of sale exposes the buyer to heavy criminal sanctions.


 FAX (Windows)



 RXTX  (Windows/Macintosh/Linux/Solaris, 32/64 bits)

JAVA <<<<---->>>> FAX (comm)

This software uses a library available in 32-bit version only! So it only works for 32-bit versions of JAVA. Note that it is possible to install the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of JAVA on the same computer (64-bit). The user must then make sure that the software runs under the 32-bit JAVA version, otherwise it will not work. It is advisable to run all programs in 32-bit JAVA version to avoid any compatibility problems.

 ASP.NET - Unsubscribing from a mailing list via the internet
(FastEmailer + FastFaxer + FastSmser)

FAST_DBRemoveMe ( 4.0) Server Windows 1

It is possible to obtain an unsubscribe via the internet: simply transfer the DATAS file. XML on your server ASP.NET in the FAST_DB folder of this application. The unsubscribe instructions are then as follows:


How to use the installation on the server

1) Buy web hosting from a web host.

2) Retrieve and insert FTP credentials into your file transfer client.

3) Unzip the contents of the software to a folder on your computer.

4) Transfer all the contents of your file to your web hosting.

5) From your hosting management panel, write rights to the entire remote website.

6) From your hosting management panel, put the reading protections on the folders of your internet hosting.

 Your internet hosting is ready!

EuropeSoftwares recommande  

Installing the software

Computer administrator rights are not required.

For a user

The application must be installed in the user's personal folder. [DOCUMENTS, ...]

For all users

Case of a common installation for all accounts

The software must be installed in a folder common to all users. Each user who wants to use the application must create their own launch shortcuts. The software license codes are entered only once by one of the users. [C:\EUROPESOFTWARES\, ...]

Cases of independent installations for each account

The application must be installed in the personal folder of each user. In order to transmit the license from one user to another, you must use the ESBACKUP application. We remind you that the license codes only need to be filled in once per computer! [DOCUMENTS, ...]

Special launch shortcut
(Macintosh/Linux/Solaris , 32/64bits)

$ java -jar "INSTALL_PATH/src/fastfaxer.jar" "INSTALL_PATH/src/"

ex (Linux) : INSTALL_PATH = /home/.../FastFaxer

On some operating systems, the program installer does not automatically create the program launch shortcut: it must be created manually.

32 Java 32 bits > All in 32 bits
Windows32 > C:\Program Files\Java\Jre6\bin\
Windows64 > C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\Jre6\bin\

64 Java 32 bits > All in 32 bits  //  Java 64 bits > All in 64 bits
Windows64 > C:\Program Files\Java\Jre6\bin\


Download Java (Free) and software   Server Windows 1   Server Linux 1   Server Macintosh 1   Server Solaris1

EsBackup   Server Windows 1   Server Linux 1   Server Macintosh 1   Server Solaris1

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EuropeSoftwares / Legal / Conditions of sale / SIRET 483 833 471 00012 / All rights reserved 2005 - 2024 / FRANCE
